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 Oggetto :The actual problem with phishing ..
23-08-2020 09:12:56 
Iscritto: 2020-08-22 09:18:47
Post: 3

Yes, those who comment linked to another sub them, but in some cases they have a tendency to delete the post on here and just keep it. If a response doesn't work, maybe a warning which appears before submitting? We know of the base to the OSRS sub at the Partner Subreddits section, but most people who post OSRS just themed content, don't even look there, as they did not knew the presence of this 2007 Runescape subreddit and are thankful when the men and women who remark mention it, its getting clear that the bottom leading to the sub on the side bar is not enough. I'd believed the one would be hard to execute, props. On using lots of men and women click on things, uncensored phishing urls before thinking 16, I concur.

But yea in regards to phishing some more actions might need to be accepted, these malicious classes are advancing their ways to catch unsuspecting victims increasingly nowadays. I've even seen some poor efforts to phishing being posted on this sub that result in fake forums and I'm glad they have been removed before anybody fell victim.

The actual problem with phishing posts can also function as spam that the sub will eventually get, phishing emails are sent in a wave to different mails of possible players, let's say like 10 percent of them have a reddit accounts, they will want to warn everyone else from their effort and so there will be several articles looking the same, all of which may be unaware it's been submitted before. It may eventually find dull. Which then can lead other people to ignore a legit clueless player who is asking if it's real or not, that is the reason why I suggested an automated response of some type, a little warning to take caution or something like that. Also thanks for clarifying that the email to forward phishing emails is now over, I understood of the forum thread, although not that they stopped the email.

Fantistic OSRS iinformation on

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