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 Oggetto :Blizzard has just posted patch notes for the latest WoW Classic update..
30-07-2020 10:18:12 
Iscritto: 2019-03-29 06:32:31
Post: 25

Basin, two new factions, Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza, Battleground Holidays, and

various bug fixes.

Arathi Basin

Join the League of Arathor or the Forsaken Defilers as they battle for precious resources.

Pitting 15 members of each faction against each other, the race is on to be the first to 2000

resources, capturing strategic landmarks around the Basin to increase your team’s gain and

cripple the enemy. There’s never been a better time to join the war.

Arathi Basin will unlock at 3:00 p.m. PDT (6:00 p.m. EDT) on Wednesday, March 11.

Battleground Holidays

Most weeks, Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley, and Arathi Basin now enjoy holidays that begin

on Thursday night at midnight and continue until Tuesday morning. During a holiday,

emissaries from that Battleground will be found in the major cities, and honor/faction rewards

for performing objectives in that Battleground are increased.

Bug Fixes and Updates

There is now a warning dialogue when players enter a raid that has an active raid lockout,

giving players the chance to avoid accidental raid saves.
Harvesting gathering nodes that are on zone boundaries should now be more reliable.
Many particle effects and transparency effects now display more accurately. For example:
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker will appear brighter than before.
Perdition’s Blade will appear brighter than before.
Particle effects on the Warlock and Paladin class mounts will be less pronounced than before.
Fixed an issue that could cause Nefarian to momentarily fly away after revealing his true from

at the beginning of Phase 2 of his encounter.
Players who are Honorless Targets are now immune to Mind Control.
Player-controlled pets now move in a straight line to their target when commanded to attack,
rather than defaulting to behind the target.
Mana Tide Totem should now reliably deliver a fourth tick of Mana Tide.
Blood Pact is no longer re-cast when Amplify Curse is used or Nightfall procs. is a store that I have purchased a few times and created a pretty good experience. First, it could treat every consumer well and patiently deal with all you want to know. Secondly, it will protect the security of all trading and will never reveal any user's personal information. More importantly, it is not expensive, very cheap, and it will also issue coupons to save you more.

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